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Banco de troca de manuais



Aqui encontra um espaço, onde pode informar-nos sobre os manuais que tem para trocar e os que necessita, ou ainda para efetuar trocas diretamente com outros pais, se assim o preferir.




Lista de Manuais disponíveis nas nossas instalações:


BancoManuaisEscolares 27 de Setembro.pdf (151,5 kB)




Fórum: Banco de troca de manuais

Data 07-04-2018

De Deltatbwaaa

Assunto Постоянные ошибки частотника


two computers DTE-to-DTE . Figure 5-5 shows several null-modem configurations. Interfaces that don’t use flow-control lines can use a 3-wire null modem that only swaps the TX and RX lines. A null modem with flow control also connects RTS to CTS and DTR to DSR. On an adapter for use with two ports configured as DTEs, the CD and DSR inputs are often tied together to cause the CD input to follow the remote computer’s DTR output. A third type of null modem uses loop-back flow control, connecting each flow-control output to a corresponding input on the same end. On a port configured as a DTE, the DTR output can also drive the CD input. The loop-back adapter emulates a remote device that is always ready to receive data. This type of null modem can be useful when a computer using flow control communicates with a device that doesn’t support flow control. Two ports configured as DCEs can connect to each other using any of the null-modem configurations except that CD should be left open on both ports. Using Microcontroller Development Boards Many microcontroller manufacturers and other vendors offer development boards with the components for a generic system, often including an RS-232 converter and connector. 65 Chapter 5 A typical microcontroller has a serial output labeled TX and a serial input labeled RX. The RS-232 port on development boards is typically configured as a DCE, where TX is an input and RX is an output. The microcontroller’s TX output thus controls the RS-232 RX output, and the RS-232 TX output controls the microcontroller’s RX input. Using flow-control signals on a development board sometimes requires cutting hard-wired connections and adding wires to connect flow-control signals to the RS-232 connector. An example of a development board is Microchip’s PICDEM™ 2 Plus. The board has a MAX232 converter with a driver/receiver pair that interfaces the SIGNAL PIN TX 3 RX 2 GND 5 SIGNAL PIN TX 3 RX 2 RTS 7 CTS 8 DSR 6 CD DTR 4 GND 5 S 1 GNAL PIN TX 3 RX 2 RTS 7

Data 07-04-2018

De Deltatibput

Assunto Что за ошибка частотника?


Добрый день!
Вылазит неисправность 126 на частотнике M600-08201160A. Аналогичные устройства ATV71HU15M3Z, CIMR-VC4A0004BAA-1000, CFW080070TDN1A1Z на вентиляции без ошибок.
Значение нашел через рамблер по запросу "Danfoss VLT 5000 Crane (En)" . Был неисправен тормозной резистор.

Data 07-04-2018

De Deltawwyywp

Assunto Ошибка часточного преобразователя


Доброго дня!
Возникла неисправность 65 на частотном регуляторе FR-A120E-7.5K. Другие приборы ATV212WU75N4, CIMRV7CU22P24, E1-9013 800H установленные на двигателях без аварий.
Объяснение нашел через rambler по запросу "psmn1r6-40ylc" . Сгорел оптотранзистор.
До свидания!Удачи!